
Our Third Session

Seems like were settling into a good workflow. Things went smoothly with filming for the most part and as we do this more editing gets easier and smoother. The biggest challenges were dealing with the fact that Robert's career is quite well. He has had take time off to shoot with Brendan Fraiser and Harrison Ford on Crowley and with Timothy Hutton Leverage. Vincent for his part had to cram in getting married, winning film festival award and a grant. Part of what balanced all this business was having guest DP and Coraline shooter Galvin Collins come by and shoot a couple of our scenes. Which added to the production value.

We had our largest crowd ever for the screening and there was a jovial atmosphere, people made comments like "Wow, what movie is this from?" again first timers expressed their support for what we do and returning guests were surprised by our continued improvements. For our part we were blown away by the quality our students showed. We had some real big success in terms of work and representation too which always, always warms our stoney hearts!

Enjoy the videos, they've raised the bar for next term.

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